Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Clay County Historical Society fights 100 years of pigeon damage

(Photo by mac.rj - Flickr)

Several years of pigeon infestation has seriously damaged many buildings in Clay County, Kansas.

The costs and time involved to clear bird droppings has not come to an end. Clay County Historical Society is fighting to keep the area free of pigeon guano.

“The bell tower had been the pigeons' happy home for many years and they had left their calling cards. About 18 inches of poop was deposited on all the surfaces inside the tower.

The repair work came to a halt. A farm truck was driven up beside the tower and the men put on masks and started shoveling. Two to three hours later Steve was ready to start dismantling the tower and putting it back together.

In the meantime several of the men were on the roof repairing the base of the tower. It needed to be reinforced before the tower could be replaced. The rest of the crew started scraping paint and doing minor repairs. Also, some not-so-minor repairs were done on the entryway to the school as it was under the tower and badly damaged by water and pigeon droppings.”
Read more:

BirdMaster Bird Control Systems specializes in humane and environmentally friendly bird deterrent systems. They have been protecting historic and commercial buildings for over 20 years. BirdMaster protects buildings from the damaging effects as well as the health hazards associated with bird guano. Their systems do not harm bird or the environment.

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